
5 College Tips to Save Money and Protect the Ocean: Sustainable Practices for Students


College life is often synonymous with tight budgets and financial constraints, but it doesn’t mean students can’t make a positive impact on the environment, particularly the health of our oceans. By adopting sustainable practices, students can not only save money but also contribute to ocean conservation efforts. In this article, we’ll explore five practical tips for college students to save money while protecting the ocean.

Quick Tips

  • Utilize Public Transportation and Carpooling: Save money on transportation costs while reducing carbon emissions by using public transportation or carpooling with fellow students.
  • Adopt Sustainable Eating Habits: Cut down on expenses and promote ocean health by choosing sustainable food options, reducing single-use plastics, and minimizing food waste.
  • Rent or Buy Secondhand Textbooks and Supplies: Save money on textbooks and school supplies by opting for secondhand or rental options, reducing the demand for new products and minimizing waste.
  • Engage in Campus Sustainability Initiatives: Get involved in campus sustainability programs and initiatives to make a positive impact on the environment and save money through eco-friendly practices.
  • Embrace Thrift Shopping and Sustainable Fashion: Build a sustainable wardrobe and reduce textile waste by shopping at thrift stores and choosing ethically sourced clothing options.

Utilize Public Transportation and Carpooling

Transportation costs can eat up a significant portion of a college student’s budget, but there are ways to save money while reducing your carbon footprint. Instead of relying on a personal vehicle, consider using public transportation options available in your area. Many colleges and universities offer discounted or free transit passes for students, making it an affordable and eco-friendly choice.

Carpooling is another excellent option for cutting down transportation expenses and reducing emissions. Coordinate with classmates or friends who live nearby to share rides to campus, grocery stores, or other destinations. Not only will carpooling save you money on gas and parking fees, but it also helps reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, benefiting both your wallet and the environment.

Quick Tip: Check with your college or university for student discounts on public transportation passes or carpooling services.

Adopt Sustainable Eating Habits

The food choices we make can have a significant impact on both our wallets and the health of the oceans. By adopting sustainable eating habits, you can save money while reducing your ecological footprint. Start by incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet, which tend to be more affordable and environmentally friendly than meat-heavy options.

Additionally, be mindful of packaging when shopping for groceries. Choose products with minimal or recyclable packaging to reduce your consumption of single-use plastics, which often end up in our oceans, harming marine life. Buying in bulk is another cost-effective and eco-friendly option, as it reduces packaging waste and can save you money in the long run.

Quick Tip: Plan your meals ahead of time and create a shopping list to avoid impulse purchases and minimize food waste.

Rent or Buy Secondhand Textbooks and Supplies

Textbooks and school supplies can be a significant expense for college students, but there are ways to save money while reducing waste. Instead of purchasing brand-new textbooks, consider renting them from your campus bookstore or online rental services. Many students also sell their used textbooks at the end of the semester at discounted prices, providing a budget-friendly option for future students.

In addition to textbooks, explore secondhand options for other school supplies such as notebooks, calculators, and electronic devices. Websites like eBay, Amazon Marketplace, and campus buy/sell/trade groups are excellent resources for finding gently used items at discounted prices. By opting for secondhand products, you not only save money but also contribute to reducing the demand for new resources and minimizing waste.

Quick Tip: Before purchasing new textbooks or supplies, check if there are secondhand options available through your campus bookstore or online marketplaces.

Engage in Campus Sustainability Initiatives

Many colleges and universities have campus sustainability programs and initiatives aimed at promoting eco-friendly practices among students, faculty, and staff. Getting involved in these initiatives not only allows you to make a positive impact on the environment but can also help you save money through various cost-saving measures.

One way to engage in campus sustainability is by participating in recycling programs. Properly disposing of recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, and aluminum not only reduces waste but also conserves valuable resources. Many campuses also have community gardens where students can volunteer their time to learn about sustainable agriculture practices and access fresh, locally-grown produce at a reduced cost.

Quick Tip: Look for campus sustainability organizations or clubs to join and participate in eco-friendly events and initiatives.

Embrace Thrift Shopping and Sustainable Fashion

Fast fashion contributes to environmental degradation through excessive water usage, chemical pollution, and textile waste. Instead of supporting unsustainable clothing practices, consider embracing thrift shopping and sustainable fashion alternatives. Thrift stores and consignment shops offer a wide selection of gently used clothing at affordable prices, allowing you to build a stylish wardrobe without breaking the bank.

When shopping for clothing, prioritize quality over quantity and choose timeless pieces that can be worn for multiple seasons. Additionally, look for brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical labor practices, even if they come with a slightly higher price tag. By investing in high-quality, long-lasting garments, you not only save money in the long run but also reduce your contribution to textile waste and support ethical fashion practices.

Quick Tip: Host clothing swaps with friends or classmates to exchange gently used clothing items and refresh your wardrobe without spending money.

Table of Things to Purchase with Prices

Item Price Range
Reusable Water Bottle $10 – $30
Cloth Shopping Bags $5 – $15
Public Transportation Pass Varies by location
Secondhand Textbooks $20 – $50 (rental)
Eco-Friendly Clothing $20 – $100+

Note: Prices may vary depending on location, brand, and quality. Be sure to research and compare options to find the best deals that fit your budget and sustainability goals.


College is a time of learning and growth, both academically and personally. By incorporating these sustainable practices into your daily life, you can save money while making a positive impact on the health of our oceans and the environment. From utilizing public transportation to embracing thrift shopping, every small change adds up to create a more sustainable future for generations to come.